“Every tooth in a person’s head is more valuable than a diamond.”
Miguel de Cervantes
A beautiful, healthy smile has a positive effect on others and represents life quality, not a luxury. Having a beautiful smile means being able to smile with self-confidence and without inhibitions. There are many reasons for loss of teeth. A sporting accident , tooth decay, gum disease or other tooth and jaw afflictions can lead to the loss of one’s own teeth. It is often difficult for patients to laugh or speak uninhibitedly with a gap in their teeth. Gaps that are not treated can lead not only to problems in the patient’s appearance, but also to difficulties in chewing and problems with the jaw joints.

Implants and implantology have completely revolutionised modern dentistry and have in the meantime become “gold standard” with regard to the fixing of dentures (bridges, prostheses and ceramic crowns). Implants are dentures which not only look natural, but also function naturally. Precision, perfect function, aesthetics and a high degree of reliability represent an enormous improvement in the life quality of our patients. Implantology is regarded as the most innovative method, combining as it does an improvement in the ability to chew with perfectly adapted aesthetic reconstruction. Implantology treatment offers patients quite astounding perspectives and possibilities. An implant takes over the function of natural tooth roots. After fixing the implant into the jawbone, a crown is placed over it. This crown cannot be distinguished optically from the other natural teeth.
Dental surgeon Dr. Daniela Skiba is happy to advise you on this subject at our dental practice for aesthetic dentistry and implantology in Vienna’s first district.
Tooth implants Vienna – what is an implant?
Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium or ceramics which become accepted as the body’s own tissue. Allergic reactions are unknown. Well-founded, world-wide knowledge and experience with titanium implants have been available for over 40 years. They are an optimal, long-lasting solution to tooth loss. Dental implants are used as pillars/supports for high-quality dentures. They are, furthermore, the best possible replacement for missing front teeth and molars. The therapeutic possibilities of the implantologists range from the replacement of an individual missing tooth to the treatment of a toothless jaw. Bridges and prostheses can also be fixed securely in the jaw by the implantologist.
What advantages do implants offer?
Treatment using this high-end solution, indispensable in holistic dental care, means that intact neighbouring teeth are in no way affected by the procedure. Implants provide the implantologist with stable pillars where teeth are missing to secure bridges and prostheses. An important advantage from the dental viewpoint: artificial tooth roots provide protection against bone loss (see bone formation). From the aesthetic point of view, a tooth supported by an implant offers the most sophisticated possibility for the patient: it fits in harmoniously with the remaining teeth and not only feels like own’s own tooth, but also looks like it. The secure support of the prostheses is a further advantage to implantology because protheses can be securely fixed to the implants.
Animation: © crevis – Fotolia.com

Titanium tooth implants
Titanium implants are currently definitively the best and most sensitive treatment option in the physiological replacement of existing teeth. Thanks, on the one hand, to the excellent fit of their components, scientifically and technically finished surfaces and, on the other hand, contributable to their bacteria-proof and bacteria-resistant attributes. Implants used nowadays are predominantly made of titanium as this material is particularly tissue-friendly (bio-compatible). The attribute of titanium, on contact with air, water and body fluids to form a protective oxide layer on the surface, appears to be the mechanism for an especially good compatibility. The reaction of the body is so natural that the bone grows directly on/onto the implant and accepts the tooth implant as part of the body. This process is described in professional literature as osseointegration.
The course of treatment in implant therapy
A detailed diagnosis and plan of treatment at our surgery in 1010 Vienna are both necessary to ensure the successful treatment of the patient. Only on the basis of an, according to the individual situation more or less in-depth, examination and diagnosis can concrete treatment steps be planned and discussed. In order to avoid risks, the general medical situation and previous illnesses are recorded in the case history. Before the routine surgical operation, the natural teeth are rehabilitated/sanitised and any gum diseases treated. As it is a small surgical intervention, a local anaesthetic suffices for pain-free treatment. After the introduction and a healing phase for the artificial root, this becomes a strong and extremely stress-resistant whole with the surrounding jawbone. After a few days we supply your new tooth implant with highly aesthetic dentures which have been prepared by our dental technician to suit the individual requirements of the patient.
The long-term success of an implant therapy is determined by many factors. Bone density and bone, implant material and design all have a part to play, as does professional oral hygiene (prophylaxis). High-tech surface materials open up new possibilities in treatment and can reduce the time of the healing process. These new materials offer high mechanical load-bearing capacity and osteoconductivity (bone formation, support of bone growth).
In our dental heath practice 1010 Wien we exclusively use medical products made by the Swiss company STRAUMANN.
Depending on the task at hand and individual requirements, we will work together to find the optimal solution. Further focal points of specialisation at our Viennese practice are aesthetic dental care, paradontology and endontology as well as orthodontics (braces for adults).